The EU-ServicePoint cooperates with various partners in order to prepare students for their ERASMUS traineeship as best as they can. This includes the essential areas in the preparatory stage, such as confident self-presentation in an application and a good education regarding language and intercultural skills, which enable students to master the work environment in a foreign country.
The following partners support the EU-ServicePoint with their offers and their knowledge:
- Job fair der JGU Mainz
- Buddy Program of Studierendenwerk Mainz
- Career Center of HS Mainz
- Career Service of JGU Mainz
- EUROPRACTICUM from the Netherlands advises the EU-ServicePoint. In its role as a (mediating) organization, EURO PRACTICUM uses its knowledge of the EU job market and its existing network to support students of the EU-ServicePoint in their search for traineeships in Europe.
- Center for Continuing Education (ZWW) der JGU Mainz
- Das International Preparatory and Language Center (ISSK) of JGU Mainz prepares students in regard to their language skills. Its aim is to provide and convey foreign language skills for an international academic and professional context.
- Die Equality and Diversity Office of JGU Mainz advises and supports students during their studies and when entering into a professional career and offers workshops, presentations, and talks.
- Das Autonome Behindertenreferat des Allgemeinen Studierenden Ausschusses (ASTA) assists the EU-ServicePojnt in helping students with disabilities complete a traineeship abroad.
- Die Vertretung des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz in Brüssel (Rhineland-Palatinate Delegation in Brussels) supports in an advising capacity, especially regarding questions on EU structures and regulations.